Saturday, June 15, 2013

Friends Who Know

I would take a moment to gush about some of the wonderful friends I have.

As I mentioned in my last post, I had my wisdom teeth removed this week. Today my friends Jillian and Stephanie came (a few hours apart from each other) and brought me the sweetest gifts! It almost makes me cry to think about it--they know me so well! =D

I LOVE PINK!!! Could these flowers be any more cheerful? I think not. 

I love that Jillian knows I prefer milk chocolate to dark chocolate, and that Stephanie brought me a fruity sorbet (because that is just what I am in the mood for right now!) Also on Thursday my dad bought me Stracciatella because he knows me, too. =)

And since I never got around to it, two of my graduation gifts:

Flowers from Rhen

A delightful (and matching!) pitch pipe from Jillian. 
Who knew a C#/Db could bring one so much joy?

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