Sunday, May 12, 2013


Had I a blog, I would write the first post to explain the premise of my blog.

Mostly I've been thinking about it lately because it is a better outlet for sharing experiences and thoughts more in-depth. It could also be the fact that I have several newlywed/new-mom friends, and they have blogs which I sometimes follow. Lately I've found myself thinking, "If I had a blog, I would post [fill in the blank]."

And I've been thinking about deactivating my Facebook for a little while, at least until I get some more goals accomplished. It is pathetically distracting to me. And maybe a blog is just another way to waste time. But maybe not.

I wanted the URL of this blog to be something like or or something like that. But that didn't work out, so I went with a line from a Strong Bad email I watched recently. Because it's perfect in its own way.

So there you have it. Blog post #1.

And here's a picture of a cat.

Just kidding.

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